Saturday, December 29, 2007

Snoqualmie Boards

Snoqualmie Pass 12/29/07

Every time I drive past the ski slopes or watch winter snowboard events, I am amazed at the skill and enthusiastic joy these young people have on their boards. The closest I could think of to being out there with them - I'm too chicken to try it myself - is to take pictures of them as they spin and flip. So I decided to lead a Mountaineer's Photo Trip to Snoqualmie Pass during the Jib This! event. A yearly event that focuses on the 3 terrain parks and super half pipe at the Summit.

I was joined by Merry, Bruce & Paul in the drizzle in Issaquah before heading up to the pass where the weather was overcast but dry. Guye Peak greeted us as we climbed up to a nice overlook of the terrain park at Summit Central near Webb Ski School. After talking to Mike Webb, we were allowed to watch the event from the school's balcony. But as the morning wore on and the event didn't seem to start, Bruce and Paul moved closer to a jump uphill. Merry and I stayed on the balcony for the rest of the morning shooting the action and the sun glinting off the snow.

I'm not sure if the event ever started but I was able to fulfill a goal of shooting snowboarders and skiers and look forward to some more outings such as this.

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