Monday, December 24, 2007

Icing on the Cake

Snoqualmie Pass 12/24/07

Ahhhh. That felt so good, getting out into the snow for the first time this year. After several weeks of rain in the lowlands and accumulating snow in the mountains, Michael & I decided to brave the weather with the puppies and head to Snoqualmie Pass. It was to be the better of our four-day weekend and sometimes you just gotta run with the chance you get.

Zillah, our new 4-month-old puppy had yet to be introduced to snow and we were quite excited to see what she would do. Olympia on the other hand is an old hand at the cold white fluffy stuff and seemed to know just where we were heading. Zillah was unfazed as she and Olympia romped around the meadow.

As we didn't have all the protective layers for the dogs, we put them back in the car before we explored the meadow more. A stream cut through the meadow and we tromped along the bank above fascinated by the layers of dirt forming the opposite bank topped with and icy layer of snow - just like icing on the cake.

Our way back to the car led us past parents playing with their young children. Both the parents and the youngsters laughed and giggled and screamed as they glided down the hills on their sleds or threw snowballs. Almost back to the car, I glanced over my shoulder to see that the clouds a opened up a bit to splash a warm light over the hills.

I really needed that - but now I'm hoping I can get out there again tomorrow.

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