Monday, January 28, 2013

One of the hardest things I've ever had to do as a photographer was to write an artist's statement. Looking into oneself to answer these questions:

"Why do I photograph?"
"Why do I photograph the subjects I photograph?"
"What do I want the viewer to take away from my photograph?"
"What am I trying to say as a photographer?"

Heavy thoughts. Even as an introvert I found the contemplation of my photography a daunting task.

Throughout my life, I have found myself pursuing then retreating from photography. As a child it was a bond between my father and I - a tenuous bond, but at least he seemed to like me when we were out photographing mountains & trees. As a teen, I retreated to photography after being informed several times I was not smart enough to be a marine biologist or even to go to college - at least I could take pictures. I became lost to myself in college and married a jealous student photo-journalist and I put away the camera to keep the peace when I excelled where he did not. Later after the divorce, I picked it up again as a hobby to record my adventures and the beauty I witnessed in the world around me.

It wasn't until several years later when I was once again questioning who I was and what I wanted out of life that I realized the place I'm happiest is behind my camera. Sharing the experiences I was having through film and sensor. But it wasn't just my story I wanted to share, but the story of the place I explored and would come to love.

Each subject for me, speaks to me. Tells me of its wonder and brilliance. It is an intimate discussion that I've gotten lost in. I've allowed it to envelope me. Consume me. Its made me oblivious of time, weather, sound.

And it is this translation of the conversation I hope the viewer sees.

1 comment:

HealthAngel said...

awwww, loved this post today! Gives an insight that was very special. It is obvious when we follow our passions, we are happiest. You follow yours, as an artist/photographer with such obvious love for what you do. CHEERS!