Sunday, January 06, 2008

Puyallup River Walk

Puyallup River 1/5/08 4 miles

Every now and then when we're a bit bored with the wintry interior of our homes, my sister and I will find a Volksmarch in the area to stretch our legs a bit from the sedentary routines we get into during the short days. We found one close to home along the Puyallup River: a 5-10 K walk along a newly pave pathway. As I brought Zillah along for her long walk with me, we decided to keep the walk short at 5 K.

Kristi & I started our Volksmarching traditions when we were living together in Germany. She was stationed there in the Air Force and I went to live with her for a year right after graduation. Oh the fun we'd have planning our adventures and walking the German countryside. All around were smiling people trying out their English as we tried out our German as we tried to find our way from forest to field to town.

Once back in the states, we looked for events here and decided to head out when we could to enjoy a stretch of the legs, a deep breath of air, and a little sense of adventure.

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