Sunday, January 13, 2008

Moss covered trees and a deep lake

Millersylvania, 1/12/08, 5 miles

On a drizzly Saturday morning, Michael & I headed out with a group of Mountaineers on a hike through the forests of Millersylvania State Park. We have often driven past the sign to the park on our adventures south of Olympia, but had never investigated this little gem set amongst the old moss covered trees and Deep Lake.

Our band of damp hikers meandered through old Doug-Firs and Cedars, crossed slippery bridges over marshes, admired the ancient maples dripping with moss and watched filtered sunlight glisten on the rain ripples of the lake. It had been cold, as is often the case in January but we needed a reason to get out for a little stretch of the legs. And there was no way a little rain was going to stop us from enjoying the rich forest textures of Millersyvania.

The lake is large - big enough to explore for a day by kayak. I'll have to remember that when wee get the kayaks ready this summer. (If we get them ready this summer - our hiking seems to take up so many weekends.) The trails meander through and connect to create miles of hiking pleasure. And during the winter, I can imagine you'd find solitude no matter where you went.

I did learn an important lesson while walking through a stand of moss-laden maples, I should never over look a little state park.

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