Sunday, January 13, 2008

A big grey horse

Iron Horse Trail, 1/13/08, 6 miles

We know why they call it the Iron horse Trail and it has nothing to do with the railroads.

On a recent snowshoeing trip to Cle Elum, my sister & I ventured on the Iron Horse trail in the hopes of a sun-filled day and good company. The good company was there as we were pretty much the only people on the trail in the morning. The sun however, ducked behind an ice fog and looked relentless in it's persistence to block the sun.

As we tromped along the trail, I saw something in the fog. At first it looked like another human but the that didn't quite look right. Could it be some sort of animal? I asked Kristi what she thought it might be and her 1st instinct was also another person. But the shape just didn't look right to be a person. In fact, it looked somewhat horse-like. As we approached, we could see more clearly that it was indeed a horse - and a grey one at that. Grey, like iron.

He raised his head to look at us and then calmly went back to his trailer of hay. We continued on, giggling about the connection between Iron Horse trail and a grey horse eating in the middle of it. We passed him again when we returned to the car and he again ignored us. He was far too intent on eating as much as he could from the trailer of hay.

The sun did finally burn through the clouds, but to be honest, I don't think we cared.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.