Mt Pilchuck Work Party, 9/27/08
As Discover Your Northwest, the organization I work for, expands and tries on new hats we come across opportunities too good to pass up. One such opportunity is partnering with the Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest to develop a series of volunteer events in needful areas. Not necessarily trail maintenance and repair (as this past weekend's was) but eradicating invasive plant species, building picnic tables and birdhouses, or anything else the forest finds a need to do. We affectionately call the series of events Earth Day Every Day.
This weekend, we sponsored an event at Mt Pilchuck to repair some trail damage. A portion of the trail has been the drainage of melting snows and hikers trying to avoid getting their made-for-the-mud expensive boots dirty have walked around making new trails. This can get me onto a soapbox, but I'll spare you from that at the moment.
Our workday, was a blast! We lopped brush from the trails around the picnic area. Did you know Mt Pilchuck has a picnic area - just off to the right at the start of the trail - check it out. We moved rocks along the muddiest parts of the trail for stepping stones. We applied erosion control matting and posted signs to warn hikers that this was a habitat rehabilitation area. Two of us gathered seeds to germinate in the greenhouse for transplanting later. It was a good day and we all left the trail feeling good about all the work we had accomplished.
For more information on volunteer events visit the Discover Your Northwest website at http://www.discovernw.org/get_involved.htm