Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A Story to Tell

Trail of Shadows 5/5/07 .7 miles

After touring the damage on Mt Rainier, Michael & I walked around the Trail of Shadows near Longmire. The Trail of Shadows is a short nature trail that encircles the mineral springs which brought James Longmire and his family to settle in the area.

After leading a group of climbers to the mountain, Longmire went in search of his horse which had wandered off during the days of climbing, as horses will do. He found the horse grazing near the mineral springs, a feature of the area that had up until now been hidden from history's gaze. He later brought his family to homestead in the area with dreams of opening a resort. Mineral baths were all the rage in the latter half of the 19th century.

Now all that remain of Longmire's original dream are a few bathing areas and an old cottage. But the dream is still alive in the remembrances of the dreamer. Michael & I meandered through the old growth forest past the cabin and the baths. We gazed out over the meadow and watched as the discolored water bubbled to the surface. And at each sign we stopped to read what story there was to tell.

It's that way with all nature trails. Take time to stop along the way and meander along a short trail; read the signs. The history you learn keeps the dreamer in all of us alive for it is in the telling that a story breathes life.

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