Thursday, October 03, 2013

What Happens during a Shutdown.

On the East Coast in Washington DC, congress is bickering over a budget which has caused a shutdown of the federal government. No appropriations? No budget. No payroll. Employees furloughed.

In the other Washington, the one on the west coast, I wonder if I will be able to go to work next week. I don't work for the federal government, but the non-profit I do work for manages the bookstores in the National Parks, Forests and other public lands in the northwest.

The parks are closed. And if the parks are closed then there are no visitors to buy books. And very little work for me to do.

I love our National Parks and public lands. It's the main reason I accepted this position and stick with it through all the troubles our organization and industry go through.

I sit reading the websites, hoping for some reconciliation between the childish antics of congress. Nothing.

I worry for my friends and co-workers who are, for a lack of a better term, unemployed. In some families both adults work for the forest or park and both have no income.

I worry for myself, a single person who barely has enough to make it through a month of bills on her savings.

And I am concerned for the gems of our land - our National Parks.

For as long as I can remember, my vacations have revolved around one National Park or another. There have been the crazy road trips where I hit up to 6 parks in one week.

My parents took me camping in the parks and the time spent exploring the forests, mountains, beaches instilled in me a wonder of the natural world I have today.

Just a few weeks ago, I led hikes to the North Cascades National Park for the Mountaineers. Today the trails we hiked are blocked. No access.

And I feel a loss.

Looking through the images from this past year, 12 times. At least once a month. And was planning a trip back to the North Cascades next weekend.

If there is no resolution, I am not the only person needing to change plans. Nor will I be the only person wondering if I will have work the following week.

How has the shutdown affected you?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It has affected me as well. I have 5 day trip planned in the Smokies. My boss was nice enough to push back my vacation by a couple of weeks so hopefully by the 16th they will get their act together and I will be able to go.