Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Looking Back

The above image is on my computer desktop at work, one of several images that rotate throughout the day. It's a happy image taken day 2 of a 6 day backpack around the Three Sisters in Oregon. As I listened to the events in Boston unfold, a sense of dread and sorrow overcoming my work space and day. 

Then this image of Trail Turtle held by 5 fun-loving guys popped on the screen. The image always makes me smile. First just for the pure joy and fun it exhibits in a good trip with friends. Second, that was one amazing trip!

I thought of the people I met along the way. Some of them living a dream by hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Some enjoying their long-time friends. The boy scouts just trying to make it through their trip to get home to their parents. The rangers out getting ready for the incoming thunderstorm and the inevitable fires.

We were all out in the wilderness for different reasons, but inevitably touched each others' journey through the woods and through life. Stories were shared over lunch eaten on logs. Kind words spoken in passing as if hatred never existed.

So much passed this past week. But the idea that came out strongest was that as the bombs destroyed the dreams, friends, families of those in the marathon and cheering on, people ran into the fray to help. Each life will be touched by the horrors of that day, but each life will also be touched and remembered because of kindness that poured into the terror to help nullify the hatred.

In the end we will continue to run marathons and backpack around mountains because hatred only wins when we stop dreaming, living, doing.

And as Patton Oswalt said - the good will always outnumber the bad.

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