Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Washington State Parks: St Edwards

Has this ever happened to you?

You pull into the parking lot for an evening of photography and as you do spot the perfect photo.

Oh, that light.

As you hurriedly park hoping you don't ding another car and actually get your car between the lines, your thoughts are focused on equipment, camera settings and the fading light.

Oh. That light.

You envision your composition as you fumble with lenses and setting. Oh wait, the tripod. Screw the tripod - get that light.

You scurry across the parking lot trying to avoid cracks in the pavement, other pedestrians and cars.

Oh my Gawd, the light!

You compose, focus the camera, focus your mind and press the shutter. Once. Twice. And your perfect light is gone, obscured by clouds.

You spend another hour meandering in the light of fading day creating several more images that make you smile until it is time to go.

Of course the 1st image you look at is the 1st image you made and your smile becomes a thought - I don't suck after all.

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