Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Autumn, Tis the Season . . .

To look down.

Fresh crisp air with vibrant blue skies and colorful leaves all around. It's very hard to take your eyes off such beauty - you almost get to feeling like a kid again wanting to run through piles of leaves as they float to the ground.

We walk the trails and pathways looking up at the colors in the trees, maybe with a few sun rays streaking through the lingering morning mists. We almost forget to look down unless we stumble.

But the beauty above our heads only tell half the story of this special season.

Go ahead, look down. What do you see?

Ok, if you're at home you're probably looking at your feet and carpet, maybe some toys, power cords and dirty laundry. But get up, step outside. Now what do you see?

Look and you will see colors, shapes and textures - all the things we look for as photographers. You'll see small forests of mushrooms. There's a varied palette of of color in the fallen leaves. And of course leaves of all shapes and sizes.

It's the season to bend over, kneel down or just lie on your belly to capture the world at your feet.

So grab your macro lens - actually any lens will do and go play at your feet.

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