Thursday, February 09, 2017

Jewels in the Meadow

Clouds hang low over the mountain meadows dampening the fiery hues of autumn. Grey mists create a backdrop to the reds of the huckleberry and golden grasses. There is no distance for your eyes to wander so instead they wander through the meadow followed closely by your feet.

Raindrops clinging tenuously to leaves and blades of grass quiver in the slight breeze letting go as you pass, anxious to wet your shoes. You stop to watch as they fall. As gravity pulls them downward, they stretch grasping desperately to their perch until suddenly they let go and splatter onto your boots.

Drops sparkle in the muted sunlight - a string of jewels along a stalk of grass bowing deeply to your passing. Glittering in a cluster in the palm of a dried lupine. Dangling precariously from the tip of a brightly colored leaf. One breath and they fall. One step and they're gone.

The meadow beckons you forward and you follow to see the views - not up and out, but down and inward.

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