Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Grayland Beach


Rain, Rain, go away. Come again another day. This childhood rhyme rattled itself through my thoughts Saturday morning as our romantic get way to the beach was washed away with the sand on my sneakers, which were outside getting soggier by the hour. I realize that some of my friends would think that being cooped up in a small beach cabin on a rainy day is entirely romantic. Not for me. Sitting there hour after hour watching the rain splatter against the windows, I began to stagnate. Frustration welled up inside me, as I knew the ocean and miles of beach were just over that ridge and me with no fisherman's rain gear to protect myself from the deluge. Michael sat over at the kitchen table quietly reading - he has no problem spending a day doing "nothing." I read a bit, wrote a bit, played some Sudoku, and finally put a puzzle together (except for one extra piece that didn't fit into the remaining two spots. To think I could have been snowshoeing.

Now, don't get me wrong. I did appreciate the time alone without distractions, the time spent with Michael, just being at the beach. But when Michael told me he had gotten the keys to his boss' cabin, i started imagining a wonderful late winter afternoon - mostly cloudy with a few showers. I imagined we'd arrive and stroll on the beach, then imagined waking up the next morning for a stroll on the beach followed by lunch and stroll on the beach. After dinner I thought we could take a stroll on the beach and then wildly though we could take a stroll on the beach the next morning before leaving.

What I got what a brisk walk with the dogs when we arrived, cut short when I got hit by a wave while kneeling to take a picture. A downpour on Saturday, that kept me in the car that morning as we explored our surroundings. A restless Saturday afternoon and hints of blue skies Sunday morning as we left for home. No, i didn't feel rested - i felt lethargic unable to think and not caring if i did.

I found out this weekend, that a sedentary weekend will not revitalize me or activate my mind. I fell most alive with my thoughts clear and cohesive as I'm out hiking in the woods, along the beach, or above treeline. As I'm out exerting myself to view the beauty surrounding me, my mind is exploring thoughts and ideas, but there is a connectedness between them, me, and my environs. I feel more centered in my world when I'm walking in my world not sitting away somewhere behind four walls and a roof (although very comforting during the storms).

But then, winter storm warnings were given throughout the Washington mountains that weekend and I wouldn't have been able to go snowshoeing. Might as well spend it in a little cabin at the beach.

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